Scopophobia Test – Fear of Being Seen Quiz

scopophobia test
scopophobia test

Here is a self-assessment test for Scopophobia, or the fear of being looked at or being seen:

How often do you feel anxious when you feel people are looking at you?

Do you find yourself avoiding public places to prevent being seen by others?

Do you fear being the center of attention, even in small groups?

Do you find it uncomfortable to maintain eye contact with others?

Does your fear of being looked at interfere with your daily activities?

Do you experience physical symptoms (like sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat) when you feel you are being watched?

Have you made significant changes in your lifestyle to avoid being seen?

Does the idea of being observed or watched in any situation cause significant distress?

DISCLAIMER This test is not a diagnostic tool and should not be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute for professional help. If you're feeling distressed or if your behaviors are interfering with your daily life, please seek help from a professional healthcare provider or counselor.