EAT-26 – Eating Attitudes Test

eat 26
eat 26
This is a screening test to help you determine whether you might have an eating disorder that needs professional attention.
Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26)

Instructions: Please read each statement and decide how much of the time the statement describes condition
I'm terrified about being overweight

I avoid eating when I am hungry

I find myself preoccupied with food

I have gone on eating binges where I feel I may not be able to stop

I cut my food into small pieces

I'm aware of the calorie content of foods I eat

I particularly avoid food with a high carbohydrate content (bread, rice, potatoes, etc.)

I feel that others would prefer if I ate more

I vomit after I have eaten

I feel extremely guilty after eating

I'm preoccupied with a desire to be thinner

I think about burning up calories when I exercise

Other people think I'm too thin

I'm preoccupied with the thought of having fat on my body

It takes longer than others to eat my meals

I avoid foods with sugar in them

I eat diet foods

I feel that food controls my life

I display self-control around food

I feel that other pressure me to eat

I give too much time and thought to food

I feel uncomfortable after eating sweets

I engage in dieting behavior

I like my stomach to be empty

I have the impulse to vomit after meals

I enjoy trying new rich foods

"The EAT-26 has been reproduced with permission. Garner et al. (1982). The Eating Attitudes Test: Psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine, 12, 871-878."


This free online self-test is not designed to make a diagnosis of anorexia or bulimia or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation.