Childhood Trauma Test – Free PTSD Questionnaire Online

Please note that this is not an official diagnostic tool, but it may help to identify potential patterns that suggest you may benefit from professional help.

How often do you experience unexplained mood swings or strong emotional reactions?

How often do you have nightmares or flashbacks about your childhood experiences?

How would you describe your relationship with your caregivers during your childhood?

Do you often feel a sense of guilt or shame, even if you can't identify a reason?

How frequently do you struggle with feelings of emptiness or numbness?

Do you have difficulty maintaining close relationships due to trust issues or fear of abandonment?

Do you find yourself repeating harmful patterns in relationships or situations, even when you try to change?

Have you ever self-harmed or considered self-harm?

Do you often feel hyper-vigilant or excessively wary of your surroundings?

Do you avoid certain people, places, or situations that remind you of your past?