Anthropophobia Test – Fear of People Quiz

Anthropophobia Test
Anthropophobia Test

Here is a self-assessment test for Anthropophobia, or the fear of people:

How do you feel when you are in crowded places?

Do you go out of your way to avoid social situations?

When you are in a social situation, do you experience physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, sweating, or trembling?

Does your fear of people interfere with your everyday life or relationships?

Do you fear being humiliated or embarrassed in front of others?

Do you often worry about upcoming social events?

Has this fear been ongoing for six months or more?

Do you experience a feeling of doom or catastrophe over social interactions?

DISCLAIMER This test is not a diagnostic tool and should not be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute for professional help. If you're experiencing distress or if your behaviors are interfering with your daily life, please seek help from a professional healthcare provider or counselor.