Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale

zung self rating depression scale
zung self rating depression scale
This depression test can help determine whether you might have major depressive disorder. It is not designed to make a diagnosis of major depression or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation.
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
Please read each statement and decide how much of the time the statement describes how you have been feeling during the past several days
I feel down-hearted and blue

Morning is when I feel the best

I have crying spells or feel like it

I have trouble sleeping at night

I eat as much as I used to

I still enjoy sex

I notice that I am losing weight

I have trouble with constipation

My heart beats faster than usual

I get tired for no reason

My mind is as clear as it used to be

I find it easy to do the things I used to

I am restless and can't keep still

I feel hopeful about the future

I am more irritable than usual

I find it easy to make decisions

I feel that I am useful and needed

My life is pretty full

I feel that others would be better off if I were dead

I still enjoy the things I used to do

Zung W.W.K. Durham N.C. A self-rating depression scale. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1965; 12: 63-70.


If your score indicates that you might have depressive disorder, please contact a qualified mental health care professional for further clinical evaluation. This depression test can be used on a weekly basis to track your moods.