Anger Management Test – Free Online Anger Issue Quiz

Anger Management Test
Anger Management Test
Use this online test to help determine if you might need to seek help for anger problems
Instruction: For each item, choose the answer most relevant to you
While waiting for someone who was already 20 minutes late, I would probably be…

I lose patience with people

I feel irritated when people don’t behave the way they should

I raise my voice or shout to get my point across

If I am talking to someone and he/she interrupts me, most likely I would feel…

Being interrupted my reaction most likely would be that…

The frequency with which I find myself in an argument with someone is:

If I were treated wrong or unfair, my reaction most likely would be that…

I punch or break objects when I’m upset or angry

When angry, I am able to calm down…

I eat a lot or use alcohol or drugs to calm myself down when I’m upset or angry

I feel an urge to do something violent/abusive when I am angry or upset

If someone accidentally bumped into me, my reaction most likely would be that…

I feel regretful over my behavior when I have gotten angry